fredag 6 november 2009

Backup job terminated because Log space is exhausted on TSM server

ANR0130E dbieval.c(825): Server LOG space exhausted. (SESSION: 351)
ANR0162W Supplemental database diagnostic information

Client backup is terminated although the Activelogsize value is updated in dsmserv.opt to a greater value.
The problem is that Num_log_span isn´t updated in db2 database.

To manually update Num_Log_Span

update the db2 database to correctly set NUM_LOG_SPAN.
Calculate correct value of NUM_LOG_SPAN
Each log size is fixed at 512MB.
1. Take the new value of activelogsize in dsmserv.opt in and
divide that by 512MB. This value is the total number of log
volumes reflected in db2 value LOGPRIMARY.
2. Multiple LOGPRIMARY by 90%. This value should be reflected in


(alternate method involving slightly less arithmetic)
Calculate correct value of NUM_LOG_SPAN
1. Use the following db2 command to determine the number of log
volumes used:
db2 get db cfg for TSMDB1
2. Multiply the value for the LOGPRIMARY parameter by 90%. This

value should be reflected in NUM_LOG_SPAN.
Update NUM_LOG_SPAN by issuing the following db2 command:
db2 update db cfg for TSMDB1 using NUM_LOG_SPAN
You may need to restart the TSM server, which will restart the
db2 database as well.

for example
Activelogsize 8192

db2 update db cfg for TSMDB1 using NUM_LOG_SPAN 7

This problem is currently projected to be fixed in level 6.1.3

onsdag 9 september 2009

TSM V6.1.1.0 incorrectly writes volume history entries for database backups using a date with the year 2047.

After database backups, the database backup volume's date/time
information could be invalid showing 2047/11/30 00:00:00.
This behavior can occur if the TSM snapshot monitoring thread
and database backup thread are running at the same time. The
incorrect date will only affect the expiration and deletion of
the volume.
TSM Versions Affected:
TSM 6.1.1 servers on all platforms

Fixes are available
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server V6.1.1.x interim fix downloads

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V6.1 Fix Pack 2 (6.1.2) Server Downloads

tisdag 11 augusti 2009

ADM1541W Application "dsmserv" with application handle

TSM server service stops unexpected during backup.

Problem is fixed in TSM Server level 6.1.2 to manually fix it see

tisdag 23 juni 2009

ANR2968E Database backup terminated. DB2 sqlcode: -2033. DB2 sqlerrmc: 406

Problem appears because MMC wizard did not complete the DB2 environment configuration for this new instance

Problem corrected in TSM Server
level 6.1.3


Create the tsmdbmgr.env file in the D:\Tivoli\TSM\server1 directory with the following contents:

DSMI_CONFIG= D:\Tivoli\TSM\server1\tsmdbmgr.opt

DSMI_LOG= D:\Tivoli\TSM\server1

Set the DSMI_ api environment-variable configuration for the database instance:

Open a DB2 command window. One method of doing this is by going to the D:\Tivoli\TSM\db2\bin directory. Then, issue this command:


Issue this command:

db2set -i server1 DB2_VENDOR_INI= D:\Tivoli\TSM\server1\tsmdbmgr.env

Create the tsmdbmgr.opt file in the D:\Tivoli\TSM\server1 directory with the following contents:


nodename $$_TSMDBMGR_$$

commmethod tcpip

tcpserveraddr localhost

tcpport 1500

passwordaccess generate

errorlogname D:\Tivoli\TSM\server1\TSMDBMGR_TSMSERVER1.log

Stop and start the database instance:

Open a DB2 command window. One method of doing this is by going to the D:\Tivoli\TSM\db2\bin directory.Then, issue this command:


Set the database instance:


Stop DB2:


Start DB2:


Issue the following commands:

set DSMI_CONFIG= D:\Tivoli\TSM\server1\tsmdbmgr.opt
